Friday, September 14, 2012

Caversham Wildlife Park

14 July 2012  

Caversham Wildlife Park

Little info:

Located in Whiteman Park. The park now features about 200 species, and more than 2000 head of animals, birds and reptiles; most housed in a walk-through environment. The park is the premiere development of its kind in Western Australia, attracting visitors from all over the world. Such is the park’s status, that some of its breeding programs are officially recognised by Australian Zoos. David regularly exchanges animals and birds with other parks and zoos, for breeding purposes and to add to the Caversham population. The park has bred its own wombats, koalas, grass owls and cassowaries, which is a significant achievement for a privately owned park.

Visitors to the park are assisted by wildlife professionals, dedicated to exceptional service ensuring our visitors receive the best opportunities for animal interaction, information and photographs.

It was privately owned and operated by WA family. The park do not receive any assistance from the Government.

They have 2 interactive shows everyday

Meet the Wombat & Friends Show

11am, 2pm and 3.45pm daily.
See, touch and learn about a hairy nosed wombat, say hello to one of the many friendly birds or take a photo with a reptile!

Farm Show
10am, 1pm and 3pm daily.
Get a glimpse of farm life with whip-cracking, sheep-shearing, billy-swinging and more!

Entrance fee : AUD$16 (Student Concession)

Getting there:

Perth have great public transport system which you just go to the page.

type your location and destination using the journey planner
It will list out few alternative route.
Telling which train / bus/ stop number you should look for.
This is how we actually get around so many places.

Enough for the information.

Lets look at photos we got for the day.

Perth Underground Train Station

Train from Perth Underground to Bassendeen station.
 and wait for bus to Whiteman Park

Tadaaa~ Whiteman Park.
Caversham Wildlife Park is in there.

Watch out for Koala, Ostrich, Wombat
& Kangarooooo

quack quack
sheep shearingg.
I can feel the pain for the sheep.

And I got a chance to milk a cow.
sorry moo moo cow if I'd hurt you.

Minty the moo moo cow

The open section for visitor to interact with animals

Guinea Pig
It has cow pattern on it.

Pink Parrot
So beautifullll

And now, proudly present the Koala. 
Everyone love them.

Interesting Fact about Koala:

Koalas aren't bears as many people are led to believe. They aren't even related to bears. The koala is related to the kangaroo and the wombat. The koala is a marsupial mammal. The reason the koala is called a koala bear is because the koala looks like a teddy bear.

The koala's scientific name is Phasclarctos Cinereus.

Sorry Koala, I shouldn't called you Koala Bear~

Love this most!!! Super super cuteeee!!!!

Koala only stay awake for 4 hours a day.
They spend most of the time sleeping because it requires a lot of energy to digest their toxic, fibrous, low-nutrition diet and sleeping is the best way to conserve energy

We are lucky to see them awake.
and have a chance to touch it.
Sadly we are not allowed to cuddle koala

Next, the Kangaroosss
They have a Kangaroo ground where we can touch them, feed them

*kiss me please* =P

Like a boss
sunbathing + nap time
I love seeing kid interacting with animals
Look at the baby in mama's pouch

Its a very very great place in WA which you can see the Koala and Kangaroo

and more animals.

On our way home.
green green scenery along the road


Janet.Jann  =)

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